We help organisations
to make <IT> more efficient

Engineering manager,
Head / Director Software-Development,

Why Interim Management

Transferring management tasks to external managers for a limited period of time is common practice today.

The focus is on acquiring external know-how, optimising structures or processes or even ensuring a professional IT strategy, as well as training and coaching new / upcoming managers or first time leaders.

Tasks of an Interim Management

Ensuring business continuity with external workers for mission-critical projects, in case of crisis or other planned or unplanned events such as sabbatical, early termination, illness, accident or maternity leave.

Realisation of changes through status quo analyses, troubleshooting and refocusing on mission-critical business, development of realistic restructuring concepts, implementation of new / additional measures.

Use of expert knowledge for process optimisation in the areas of general management, production and R&D; implementation of KPIs and corresponding dashboards, time management, human resources and organisational development.

Developing a vision and mission for business growth, providing leadership and project management, e.g. for acquisitions and post-merger integration, for IT strategies, digital transformation and business development in general.

We will work together on your business continuity!


Companies we have worked for

Advantages of Interim Management

  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • Interim managers offer a company-neutral, objective, open-minded and unbiased approach to your specific situation
  • They are focused without status / power interests and result-oriented on your task, which is clearly defined in advance
  • Fast, tangible and sustainable results thanks to qualified managers with extensive experience in interim management
  • Versatile skill set and extensive wealth of experience, which is continuously expanded by new orders
  • Always motivated to deliver the highest level of performance for a good customer relationship

  • Organisational flexibility:
    • easy recruitment of an experienced expert and manager
    • unbureaucratic on- and offboarding
    • fast and efficient takeover of tasks with very little training time
    • can be filled, from Team Lead to Tribe Lead to CTO
    • workload can be adjusted to customer requirements over time according to actual needs
    • no firm commitment to the company, labour law problems are thus eliminated
    • Pay for use - in the case of employment, there are no continued wage payments in the event of illness, premiums, tax contributions for health, pension and long-term care insurance


Call Us

+49 151 520 55 743